Pressure Injury Prevalence and Risk Factors among Adult Critically Ill Patients at a Large Intensive Care Unit

Mohammad Faisal Yousef Amirah, Akram Mohammad Yousef Rasheed, Parameaswari PJ, Adel Musbah Awajeh, Marwan Rasmi Issa and Mohammad Abdallah

Published Date: 2019-03-19
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Purpose: To know the pressure injuries prevalence, locations, and stages in the intensive care unit and its associated factors. Design: Cross-sectional study. Method: Prevalence study was conducted over six months, from December 2015 to May 2016. Findings: Prevalence of pressure injury was 35.7% (154 patients out of 431 had at least one pressure injury), this is excluding stage one pressure injuries and the medical device related pressure injuries. The sacrum was the most frequent location of PIs followed by trochanter, ear, heel, buttocks, and ankle. Stage two pressure injuries was the most commonly observed among critically ill patients. We found a significant association between the pressure injuries and the age of patient, Body mass index, and Length of stay. Conclusion: Measuring prevalence of pressure injuries among critically ill patients is crucial and should be highlighted for all critical care sittings.

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